Bucket design > Carbon footprint of buckets
SSAB EcoUpgraded mobile app
With the SSAB EcoUpgraded app, you can calculate how much the upgrading to high-strength steels reduces the weight of equipment, improves fuel economy and increases product lifetime – all of which reduce the carbon footprint.
Download the app
Open App Store (iPhone, iPad) or Google Play (Android phones and tablets). Search for ”EcoUpgraded”, select ”SSAB EcoUpgraded” and download.
When installed, open the app. Write your business email address, name and company. Change to your business email app. Find the email ”SSAB Mobile support”. Scroll down and click on ”Confirm Your Email”. Now, open the SSAB EcoUpgraded app again. Click on “Complete verification”. You are ready to use it!
Choose ”New Calculation”. Next time, you can choose a saved calculation.
Choose bucket, and a typical machine annual usage hours and bucket lifetime data. Adjust the proposed fuel and weight data.
The results can be presented in three different ways:
- CO2 and fuel lifetime savings: The combined savings from less steel produced, longer service life, less fuel consumed and higher capacity.
- Savings in operation: We assume that a specific total load should to be moved over the life time of the vehicle. This can be done with fewer passes, since the bucket can carry more load each pass. The cost savings include less fuel used, less vehicle maintenance needed as well as lower cost for the operator.
- Higher capacity in operations: We assume that we continue to run the machine full time with the extra load capacity of the bucket. This means that for the same time period more load will be moved. The revenue increase due to the additional load moved, with the same cost for vehicle maintenance and for the operator.

The information in this report is only applicable to SSAB’s products and should not be applied to any other products than original SSAB products.
This report provides general results and recommendations for SSAB steel products. This report is subject to SSAB’s Terms of Use. It shall be the user's responsibility to verify that the information contained herein is correct and is suitable to be used for the particular purpose and application of the user. The report is intended to be used by professional users only who possess adequate expertise, qualification and knowledge for the safe and correct use of the results and recommendations in this report. This report is provided “as is”. The use of the report is at user’s own discretion and risk and that users will be solely responsible for any use of this report. SSAB disclaims any liability for the content or potential errors of this report, including but not limited to warranties and condition of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or suitability for individual applications. SSAB shall not be liable for any kind of direct or indirect damages and/or costs related to or arising therefrom, whether special, incidental, consequential or directly or indirectly related to the use of, or the inability to use, the report or the content, information or results included therein.