About SSAB

Financial information

Financial information

In this section you can find information about SSAB’s financial performance.

ssab in brief

SSAB in brief

SSAB´s vision – a stronger, lighter, and more sustainable world

Our business

Our business

SSAB is structured across three divisions: SSAB Special Steels, SSAB Europe and SSAB Americas, and two subsidiaries: Tibnor and Ruukki Construction.



Leading the way!


Revenue SEK 103 billion in 2024


Approximately 14,500 employees


Employees in over 50 countries

Swedish Steel Prize

The Swedish Steel Prize is an international award for companies, institutions and individuals in the steel industry.
Operating environment

Operating enviroment

Our management


The Group Executive Committee and the Board of Directors

contractors and supliers

Contractors and suppliers

Local information for contractors and suppliers about SSAB's production sites.