Forming ZA-coated steel
Compared to traditional pure zinc coatings, zinc-aluminum coated steel provides superior formability, making it well suited for deep drawing, roll forming, profiling, and bending. ZA-coated parts also have great resistance to cracking, delamination, and powdering due to the thin intermetallic layer at the substrate and coating interface. This is why ZA coatings are highly recommended for steel parts with demanding forming operations.
When forming Galfan coated steel, you may need to make changes to, for example, tooling lubrication, tooling geometry, and holding forces. Additional considerations include the thickness of the ZA coating, surface quality and protection.
ZA-coatings also have the advantage of acting like a lubricant, making them ideal for forming that uses low-to-moderate surface pressures. Galfan coating’s lamellar microstructure is extremely well suited to roll forming, demanding deep drawing, profiling, and bending.