Tipper design > Dent resistance in tipper bodies
Tipper body impact tests
To better understand the dent resistance of different steel grades, SSAB built its own test rig. In the rig, different factors could be tested, such as the weight of the object to drop, plate thickness and free area as well as drop height, drop weight and tip radius.

The SSAB drop hammer test rig: a) Applied mass. b) Guide columns. c) Impactor. d) Drop height. e) Specimen between clamps. f) Laser beam.
Parameters for the impact test rig.
Results from the drop hammer rig show that using Hardox® 500 Tuf instead of Hardox® 450 reduces dent depths. In some cases, even though a thinner plate of Hardox® 500 Tuf is used, it will dent less than Hardox® 450.

Drop hammer impact test for Hardox® 450 and Hardox® 500 Tuf. The dent depths are examples. Other factors, such as suspension and rock toughness, will also influence the dent resistance.
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