Trailer Design Guideline > Manufacturing
Weld quality
If the flanges of the longitudinal beam have to be welded (which is not recommended) in order to increase the length of the flange or beam, use a temporary sacrificial plate for critical weld starts and stops. The temporary plate can easily be re-moved by grinding after welding. See photo below.

Pay attention to the stops, which are placed on the sacrificial plate. This plate is then removed by grinding.
Grind the edge with a smooth grinding wheel and make sure that the direction of the grinding scratches is longitudinal to the loading direction, as in the illustration below. Another alternative is to design the weld joint at a 45-degree angle to the length of the flange in order to avoid a principal stress flow in the transverse direction of the weld.

Proper direction of the grinding scratches oriented longitudinal to the stress.
Welding with rutile cored wires has the tendency to create very smooth transitions between the weld metal and the base material. This property could be used in order to increase the fatigue performance of the weld, especially in critical areas like the landing gear attachment and the hanger bracket attachments.
To secure the weld quality, it is important to examine all welds. Defects that are especially detrimental for the fatigue performance of the trailer are surface-breaking weld defects such as:
- Undercuts
- Root defects
- Lack of fusion
- Cold laps
- All types of cracks
The information in this report is only applicable to SSAB’s products and should not be applied to any other products than original SSAB products.
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