Trademark use guidelines for COR-TEN®
To protect the rights of the trademark owner, these guidelines should be followed whenever the COR-TEN® brand is used. COR-TEN® should always be used as a separate trademark with the ® sign and be written in all capital letters, with a dash and without spaces.
The rules of good trademark usage given below shall be followed whenever the COR-TEN® brand is used in order that trademark rights may be maintained.
COR-TEN® shall always be used as a separate trademark and be written in all capital letters, with a dash and without spaces. There is no specific logotype for the brand and it shall not be typographed as such in copy text. Use the typography that you use for the rest of the copy text, headings etc.
Always use the the symbol ® for “registered trademark” and include a trademark ownership notice: “COR-TEN® is a trademark of United States Steel Corporation”.
Proper descriptive terms, such as “low alloy steel”, “weathering steel” or “steel composition” and not the trademark COR-TEN®, shall be used as generic term for the product type and shall be used to describe the product together with the COR-TEN® brand on all product references.
You may not use or register product names, company names, trademarks, trade names, domain names, social media accounts or profiles, other social media identifiers, or any other designation containing COR-TEN® or a term confusingly similar thereof.
Do you have questions on how to display or use the COR-TEN® brand, don’t hesitate contacting United States Steel Corporation or SSAB. SSAB are proud representatives of the brand and want the value of it to benefit you as user in the best way possible.