Last updated: January 2025
SSAB may process personal data of other external stakeholders, such as persons approaching SSAB in order to give feedback or to report an incident related to SSAB’s operations, or who contact SSAB for other reasons. The purposes of processing personal data is explained below.
Depending on the individuals' interaction, SSAB may collect the following personal data:
Generally personal data is collected directly from individuals. However, SSAB may also receive other types of personal data from the reporter in the free text fields or attachments of feedback forms. Data provided by the reporter may include personal data of other individuals.
Personal data will only be stored for as long as is necessary for the purposes of processing and following up the reported incident or to process the feedback given by the individual, and to take relevant measures in relation to the feedback or the reported matter. Personal data that is not relevant to the reported event or feedback will be deleted as soon as possible.
In some instances, personal data is used to establish, assert or defend a legal claim. In these circumstances, personal data will be stored until the legal proceedings and related actions are completed.
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