Trailer Design Guideline > Economic and environmental aspects of using HSS in the trailer industry
Environmental savings
In addition to the financial benefits, a lighter vehicle will reduce environmental impact by saving primary energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
When analyzing the service life of a vehicle with volume-limited cargo, the energy balance of the vehicle is considered. The basic energy consumption of road vehicles depends on several resistance factors that the vehicle has to overcome during its operation (see illustration).

Overview of resistance factors affecting the fuel consumption of any road vehicle.
FR = Rolling resistance
FL = Aerodynamic resistance
FSt = Gradient resistance of the road
FB = Acceleration resistance
r = Density of atmosphere
cw = Aerodynamic resistance coefficient
A = Front area
v = Speed
kr = Rolling resistance coefficient
m = Mass
a = Gradient angle
km = Acceleration resistance coefficient
a = Acceleration
Fwi = FR + FL + FSt + FB
FR = kR • m • g • cos a
FL = r • cw • A • vx2 / 2
FSt = m • g • sin a
G = m • g
FB = km • m • ax
All resistance factors, except for aerodynamic resistance, are linearly dependent on mass. The aerodynamic resistance however, depends on the dimensions of the vehicle and the speed. As a result, energy consumption is also affected by mass, speed, acceleration, and gradient (hilly or flat). These factors are highly dependent on the driving situation and driving behavior. Assuming the same driving situation, the correlation between energy consumption and vehicle weight is linear. The energy savings corresponding to a specific weight savings is independent of the absolute weight of the vehicle.
Vehicles with a fast, steady speed will therefore have a high aerodynamic resistance and low acceleration resistance, and thus will have moderate specific energy savings by weight reduction. In contrast, slow vehicles with frequent stops and accelerations will have high energy savings by weight reduction.
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