How to weld > Welding consumables
Hydrogen content
The hydrogen content of consumables depends on factors such as the welding method used. The types of consumables that can fulfill the recommended hydrogen level is stated in the table below.
Consumables that can have the potential to reach sufficiently low hydrogen content for welding of Hardox® wear plate and Strenx® performance steel grades.
The hydrogen content of a given consumable brand can be attained by their manufacturer. This info is often attained in their datasheet. If a consumable is classified for a certain hydrogen content, it can be read out according to their standard designation. Both European and American norms applies the same principal in accordance with below. Solid wires are not qualified with respect to their hydrogen content since all of these can attain low hydrogen levels at the recommended level from SSAB.
The following rutile cored wire for MAG-welding with a yield strength of 817 MPa in the all-weld metal. It is qualified in accordance with the following standard classifications.
EN 12535: T 69 5 Mn2NiCrMo B M21 2 H5
SFA/AWS A5.29: E111T5-K4M H4
In this case the qualification includes the hydrogen content. It is stated last in the designation marked with an “H”. The no after this letter marks the hydrogen content expressed in ml/100 g of weld metal. In this case the European standard EN 12535 has a qualified hydrogen level of maximum 5 ml/100 g of weld metal. The American standard SFA/AWS thereby has a qualified level of maximum 4ml/100 g of weld metal.
The information in this report is only applicable to SSAB’s products and should not be applied to any other products than original SSAB products.
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